51750 PPH Dry Wood Fired Hurst Boiler Steam Plant
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51750 PPH Dry Wood Fired Hurst Boiler Steam Plant 51750 PPH Dry Wood Fired Hurst Boiler Steam Plant 51750 PPH Dry Wood Fired Hurst Boiler Steam Plant 51750 PPH Dry Wood Fired Hurst Boiler Steam Plant 51750 PPH Dry Wood Fired Hurst Boiler Steam Plant
Stock # 1051
Capacity 51750 PPH/450 PSIG
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Used 2009 Hurst Model: Hybrid, 2 Pass Waste Fuel. Boiler Rated at 51,750 lbs./hr, MDWP 450 psig Operating Pressure 400 psig, Steam Temperature 600 ° F, Heating Surface Sq. Ft 9750. Fuel: Wood chips or Waste Wood. Fuel Consumption:18,248 lbs./hr. of Wood Chips based on 5652 btu/lb, =30% Moisture Content. Scope of Supply: Hurst Steam Boiler, Fuel Bin, Fuel Conveyor, Metering Sin, Solid Fuel Burner with Natural Gas Starter Burner, Trim Reciprocating Grate Stoker, Wet Ash Conveyor, Fly Ash Collector, Stack, Air Fan Twin City 30 Hp 460 Volt with VFD, Flue Gas Recirculation Fan Twin City 20 Hp 460 Volt with VFD, Metering Screw Motor 7.5 Hp 460 Volt with VFD, Reinjection fan 1.5 Hp 460 Volt with VFD, E-Tech Economizer E-tech Superheater ID Fan 250 Hp 460 Volt, Soot Blower, Deaerator 100,000 PPH, 50 psig Boiler Feed Water Pumps, and Boiler Building.

Major Equipment

Hurst Steam Boiler
Fuel Bin
Fuel Conveyor
Solid Fuel Burner with Natural Gas Starter Burner
Trim Reciprocating Grate Stoker
Wet Ash Conveyor
Fly Ash Collector
E-Tech Economizer
E-tech Superheater ID Fan 250 Hp 460 Volt
Deaerator 100,000 PPH
50 psig Boiler Feed Water Pumps
Boiler Building.
Year Built 2009
Year Shut 2015
Capacity 51750 PPH/450 PSIG
Subcategory Biomass Power Plants

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