Anhydrous Caustic Soda (NaOH) Plant - 180,000 TPY
Stock # 348
Capacity 180000 TPY
Products Caustic Soda


Used 180,000 TPY Anhydrous Soda Caustic (NaOH) Plant uses raising film evaporation and falling film concentration process to produce contracted liquid and/or flake sodium hydroxide products. The first production line was built in 2005 and the second in 2008. The whole plant was just shut down in 2013. All the equipment is still in excellent running condition.

Major Equipment

Raising film evaporator
Falling film concentrator
Molten salt tank
Caustic melt distributor
Flake machine
Circulation pump
Product separator
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Year Built 2008
Year Shut 2013
Capacity 180000 TPY
Plant Design/Technology Sygene
Raw Material Sodium Chloride, Water
Products Caustic Soda
Subcategory Anhydrous Caustic Soda (NaOH) Plants

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