Benzene Reduction Unit - 2,200 TPD
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Benzene Reduction Unit - 2,200 TPD

Benzene Reduction Unit - 2,200 TPD

Stock # 356
Capacity 2200 BPD
Products Light and Heavy Platformate


Used 2,200 TPD Benzene Reduction Unit built in 2006. The Benzene Reduction Unit is designed to receive fresh charge to the Platformate Splitter which is stabilised Platformate from the Continuous Catalytic Reformer Processing Unit. The unit is capable of processing 2200 metric tons per day of Platformate (reformate) product, such that the finished product of light and heavy Platformate streams are suitable blending components for the production of low Benzene (=0.5 lv%) gasoline.

Major Equipment

Platformate splitter
Make-up gas knochout drum and guard bed
Saturation reactor
Steam desuperheater
Closed hydrocarbon drain pump
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Year Built 2006
Year Shut
Capacity 2200 BPD
Raw Material Platformate
Products Light and Heavy Platformate
Subcategory Benzene Reduction Unit

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