Portable Desalination Plant - 10,000 GPD
Stock # 269
Capacity 10,000 GPD
Products Water H2O


Phoenix Equipment has this used 10,000 GPD portable desalination plant immediately available. Desalination plant for making drinking water from seawater. Modern water maker process uses prefiltration, ultrafiltration, and reverse osmosis. Includes dual prefilters, UF, RO filter, RO, pumps with motors, piping, valves, UF backwash system, computer control, remote access, operating and maintenance manual. Intake piping also included, but has to be removed from the ocean. 10,000 US gallons per day capacity. Built as a module in 2004.

Major Equipment

Year Built 2004
Year Shut 2009
Capacity 10,000 GPD
Products Water H2O
Subcategory Desalination Plants

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